Commander Battles
Commander Battles is a comprehensive gameplay mod that makes use of Holdfast's officer line controls, allowing players to control lines of bots while fighting other commanders on the battlefield!
Official mod can be found on steam workshop here.
How To Play
Find a 'Commander Battle' supported server, for example the official public Commander Battles server, hosted by BMG. Alternatively, use the Commander Battles discord to join in on the fun, or reach out to your regimental leadership and ask about installing it on your private server.
Once in, you can use the !addBots command to spawn yourself a line (do it on even ground if possible), like so:
!addBots <Amount> [NamePrefix] [ClassName] [UniformID] (elements in [] brackets are optional but previous optional elements are mandatory)
!addBots 20 (Spawns 20 line infantry bots) !addBots 20 [AGS] (Spawns 20 line infantry bots with prefix "[AGS]" in their name) !addBots 20 [AGS] guard (Spawns 20 guard bots with prefix "[AGS]" in their name) !addBots 20 [AGS] Guard 1 (Spawns 20 Guard bots with uniform id 1 and prefixed by the "[AGS]" tag)
For a list of all possible ClassName's, see this page
Mod Vars
Server owners can configure the mod with various mod variables. Here is a list of them and their functionality:
- mod_variable CB:maxbots:20
Sets a new maximum amount of bots
- mod_variable CB:allowAnyBotClass:true
Enables spawning bots of any class type
- mod_variable CB:defaultbotclass:Guard
Sets a default class for bots, use the ones here (with allowAnyBotClass mod var above if needed)
- mod_variable CB:disableaux:true
Disables the spawn of aux units.
- mod_variable CB:disableSlapHealthBalance:true
Disable extra health for commanders, no more slaps
- mod_variable CB:customHealthBalance:100
Sets a custom health balance value for commanders. Default value is 100 (as in,100 extra HP for commanders). You can use negative values, but no smaller than -99
- mod_variable CB:disableshortcutbotspawn:true
Disables the Alt+S UI shortcut, and it will no longer render. You should not need this however, reach out to me if you think you do.