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From Holdfast: Nations At War
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==[https://steamcommunity.com/games/589290/announcements 2.21]==
===Features & Improvements (7)===
===Features & Improvements (7)===
* Upgraded FSR 2.0 to FSR 3.0 improving its quality.
* Holdfast now features full controller support thanks to the addition of an on-screen keyboard.
* Upgraded DLSS to 3.5.10 improving its quality.
* You can now control ship sails when using a controller.
* Introduce an option allowing players to have the Microphone Echo setting always on.
* Introduced a free-roam sensitivity setting for controllers.
* Players are now able to disable upscaling through the game’s video settings.
* You can now set the controller’s dead zone to a minimum of 0.05.
* Players are now provided with the option to disable grass and tree wind movement through the game’s video settings. Go to Grass Movement and switch this to Off if you experience visible blurriness on flora.
* You can now have different ‘Melee Direction Input Type’ settings between controller and keyboard.
* Updated the game’s lobby to reduce rare cases of individuals being unable to receive a populated server list.
* Introduced a setting allowing individuals to specifically define the control’s input they want to use disabling auto-detection. Search for ‘Input To Use’ under the game’s settings.
* When selecting any of the game’s input text fields such as when changing a regiment’s description or custom player name the cursor will now appear respective to where you click.
* You can now adjust the game’s UI scale. Search for ‘In-Game UI Scale’ and ‘Menu UI Scale’.
===Gameplay Additions (2)===
===Gameplay Additions (6)===
* The ladders atop Fort Schwarz are now climbable.
* Adjusted melee camera pitch based on player feedback.
* Stationary swivel guns on Spanish Farm are now able to load round shots.
* Tackled an issue concerning players commenting experiencing a slight delay when firing.
* Shortened and made quicker bullet pass-by trails from firearms by enemies based on player feedback.
* Performed changes to tackle an issue with FOL being stricter than the Elf Auto Admin mod iteration if you don’t define any of the new built-in commands in the server configuration file.
* Adjusted the time it takes for auto-aim to lock off after firing to improve robustness.
* Admin reason defaults to no text in the dialogue box rather than ‘None’.
===Graphical (6)===
===Optimisations (1)===
* Adjusted the chimney smoke on Glacier.
* Tackled issues concerning instances of memory not getting released in between map loads.
* Improved the resolution quality of the Empire map loading screen.
* Adjusted player banner and nameplate visibility.
* Adjusted the bush sizes on Aunby Valley.
* Updated the in-game store banner to match the existing Napoleon update banner.
* Adjusted the sandstorm particle’s looks.
===Bug Fixes (25)===
===Bug Fixes (29)===
* Solved an issue with players getting stuck on map load while using Express VPN.
* Experimental fix towards an issue where the player’s screen turns black due to upscaling technologies.
* Solved an issue with players sometimes getting stuck on map load.
* Experimental fix towards an issue which caused drawn tracers through console commands to be mismatched.
* Solved an issue with cavalry floating on specific maps.
* Solved an issue which allowed Sapper defences to be built inside one another.
* Improved issues with blurriness players were experiencing.
* Solved an exploit which allowed the Flag Bearer to sit while having a flag equipped.
* Improved issues with distant fuzziness players were experiencing.
* Solved an issue which prevented individuals from spectating other players through the ‘P’.
* Solved an issue with fallen trees not looking as intended.
* Solved an issue where the main menu appeared broken if you disconnected at the exact same moment the map was rotating.
* Solved an issue with raindrop particle effects not working.
* Solved an issue where the map rotation admin chat entries didn’t show the correct rotation index.
* Solved an issue with the Russian Infantry Officer not looking as intended.
* Experimental fix towards an issue causing the game not to launch on Steam Deck.
* Solved an issue with a small rouge pixel being visible in the kill feed.
* Solved an issue where the mouse and keyboard weren’t working when the Steam Deck was connected to the dock.
* Solved an issue with people spawning on roofs on Empire.
* Solved an issue where sometimes inputs were not being recognized on the Steam Deck.
* Solved an issue with code exceptions appearing when using FSR 3.0.
* Solved an issue where firearm tracers wouldn’t show when spectating other players.
* Solved an issue where you could look underneath the water plane when swimming in first person on land-based maps.
* Removed multiple unnecessary logs from the game client.
* Solved an issue which caused the audio volume to reset when switching from mono to stereo.
* Experimental fix towards an instance which caused players to get stuck on map load.
* Solved an issue where VoIP sometimes stopped functioning if the player switched from mono to stereo.
* Solved an issue which caused the server-disconnect message to no longer show.
* Solved an issue with grass being present inside the church on Lamarsh Fen.
* Solved an issue where you’d be unable to navigate if a faction becomes full while playing with a controller.
* Solved an issue with terrain clipping through one of the houses on Hills of Tyrol.
* Solved an issue with rocket launchers not being destructible when deployed.
* Solved an issue with transparency on one of the props in Fort Al Farid.
* Solved multiple server-side exceptions.
* Solved an issue with water on Hudree Marsh being low resolution.
* Solved multiple exceptions on the client which occurred infrequently.
* Solved an issue with one of the trunks on Fort Darial appearing as pink.
* Solved an issue where the chat box would close when you respawn.
* Solved an issue with the weapon switching sound always playing while on horseback.
* Solved an issue where the reason for a banned individual wouldn’t show when the player gets disconnected.
* Solved an issue with floating grass on Fort Salettes.
* Solved an issue where carriable ladders remained highlighted after being placed.
* Experimental fix towards an issue which produced a halo underneath players when switching graphics presets.
* Solved an issue with the delayed all charge not firing until round_spawn_close_timer_seconds has passed.
* Experimental fix towards a rare case that prevented players from spawning when clicking the spawn button.
* Experimental fix towards an issue with the Sapper prop states desynching.
* Experimental fix towards an issue with nameplates going invisible when individuals are moving an artillery piece.
* Solved an issue with the equipment spawn tab not correctly resetting between map loads.
* Solved an issue with the Dark-Night weather preset using the Clear-Night skybox.
* Solved an issue where sometimes radials would overlay one another if buttons were pressed in quick succession.
* Solved an issue where cancelling the password prompt using a controller loses navigation.
* Solved an issue where pressing the ‘Select’ key when the disconnect reason is showing will make you connect to a server instead.
* Solved an issue with the firearm trails not looking as intended on lower-quality settings.

Latest revision as of 13:11, 26 June 2024


Features & Improvements (7)

  • Holdfast now features full controller support thanks to the addition of an on-screen keyboard.
  • You can now control ship sails when using a controller.
  • Introduced a free-roam sensitivity setting for controllers.
  • You can now set the controller’s dead zone to a minimum of 0.05.
  • You can now have different ‘Melee Direction Input Type’ settings between controller and keyboard.
  • Introduced a setting allowing individuals to specifically define the control’s input they want to use disabling auto-detection. Search for ‘Input To Use’ under the game’s settings.
  • You can now adjust the game’s UI scale. Search for ‘In-Game UI Scale’ and ‘Menu UI Scale’.

Gameplay Additions (6)

  • Adjusted melee camera pitch based on player feedback.
  • Tackled an issue concerning players commenting experiencing a slight delay when firing.
  • Shortened and made quicker bullet pass-by trails from firearms by enemies based on player feedback.
  • Performed changes to tackle an issue with FOL being stricter than the Elf Auto Admin mod iteration if you don’t define any of the new built-in commands in the server configuration file.
  • Adjusted the time it takes for auto-aim to lock off after firing to improve robustness.
  • Admin reason defaults to no text in the dialogue box rather than ‘None’.

Optimisations (1)

  • Tackled issues concerning instances of memory not getting released in between map loads.

Bug Fixes (29)

  • Experimental fix towards an issue where the player’s screen turns black due to upscaling technologies.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue which caused drawn tracers through console commands to be mismatched.
  • Solved an issue which allowed Sapper defences to be built inside one another.
  • Solved an exploit which allowed the Flag Bearer to sit while having a flag equipped.
  • Solved an issue which prevented individuals from spectating other players through the ‘P’.
  • Solved an issue where the main menu appeared broken if you disconnected at the exact same moment the map was rotating.
  • Solved an issue where the map rotation admin chat entries didn’t show the correct rotation index.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue causing the game not to launch on Steam Deck.
  • Solved an issue where the mouse and keyboard weren’t working when the Steam Deck was connected to the dock.
  • Solved an issue where sometimes inputs were not being recognized on the Steam Deck.
  • Solved an issue where firearm tracers wouldn’t show when spectating other players.
  • Removed multiple unnecessary logs from the game client.
  • Experimental fix towards an instance which caused players to get stuck on map load.
  • Solved an issue which caused the server-disconnect message to no longer show.
  • Solved an issue where you’d be unable to navigate if a faction becomes full while playing with a controller.
  • Solved an issue with rocket launchers not being destructible when deployed.
  • Solved multiple server-side exceptions.
  • Solved multiple exceptions on the client which occurred infrequently.
  • Solved an issue where the chat box would close when you respawn.
  • Solved an issue where the reason for a banned individual wouldn’t show when the player gets disconnected.
  • Solved an issue where carriable ladders remained highlighted after being placed.
  • Solved an issue with the delayed all charge not firing until round_spawn_close_timer_seconds has passed.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue with the Sapper prop states desynching.
  • Solved an issue with the equipment spawn tab not correctly resetting between map loads.
  • Solved an issue with the Dark-Night weather preset using the Clear-Night skybox.
  • Solved an issue where sometimes radials would overlay one another if buttons were pressed in quick succession.
  • Solved an issue where cancelling the password prompt using a controller loses navigation.
  • Solved an issue where pressing the ‘Select’ key when the disconnect reason is showing will make you connect to a server instead.
  • Solved an issue with the firearm trails not looking as intended on lower-quality settings.