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==[https://steamcommunity.com/games/589290/announcements 2.21]==
==[https://steamcommunity.com/games/589290/announcements/detail/6136773236746953332 2.14]==
===Features & Improvements (7)===
===Features & Improvements (11)===
* Holdfast now features full controller support thanks to the addition of an on-screen keyboard.
* Napoleon’s Rise DLC! Explore Napoleon’s rise to power through this cosmetic content dedicated to the Emperor himself Napoleon.
* You can now control ship sails when using a controller.
:»  Unlock Napoleon's very own uniform for the Infantry Officer class.
* Introduced a free-roam sensitivity setting for controllers.
:»  Unlock Napoleon's very own horse, Marengo.
* You can now set the controller’s dead zone to a minimum of 0.05.
:»  Unlock the French Empire's French Republican Infantry uniform for the Line Infantry class.
* You can now have different ‘Melee Direction Input Type’ settings between controller and keyboard.
:»  Unlock the French Empire's Guides a Pied de Bonaparte uniform for the Light Infantry class.
* Introduced a setting allowing individuals to specifically define the control’s input they want to use disabling auto-detection. Search for ‘Input To Use’ under the game’s settings.
:»  Unlock the French Empire's Guard Chasseur-a-Cheval uniform for the Hussar class.
* You can now adjust the game’s UI scale. Search for ‘In-Game UI Scale’ and ‘Menu UI Scale’.
:»  Unlock the First Consul Napoleon head.
:»  Unlock the Emperor Napoleon head.
:»  Unlock the Authority Stance gesture animation.
:»  Unlock the Gentleman's Stroll gesture animation.
:»  Unlock the Lead Charge gesture animation.
:»  Unlock the Napoleon's Loyalist medal to display on your playercard.
:»  Unlock the Pharaohs & Kings banner for your playercard.
:»  Unlock the Le Tondu portrait for your playercard.
:»  Unlock The Emperor title for your playercard.
* The Holdfast OST! With great pomp and circumstance the Holdfast original soundtrack ‘The Plight of War’ presents to you a plethora of epic renditions of some all-time classics to uplift spirits and set the tone as you charge forward to glory.
:» Featuring iconic songs spanning from the Napoleonic Wars to The Great War this soundtrack brings forth over 20 tracks (including instrumentals).
:» A music player is available both in the main menu and in-game so that you’ll never be without the choirs of war.
* A new map featuring never-before-seen environments! Fight in the streets of Empire with this update’s release.
* A new rendering pipeline! Introducing DLSS, FSR 2.0 alongside improved graphical fidelity.
* Major game engine upgrade. Exposes our development team to new tools to further optimise the game.
* Medal indicating the individual's soldier rank now shows in player names.
* The ‘Holdfast Nations At War - Beta’ dedicated application accessible through your Steam library. You no longer have to switch between branches to partake in public testing events.
* Improved Holdfast’s audio-scape. Player movement sounds representative of the equipment an individual is carrying, new aiming sounds and many more.
:» Additional audio master volumes are now present.
* A steam whistle is now present on WW1 Gunboats.
* The exclusive_modded_uniforms can now be set to be attacker, defender or faction-specific.
* Introduced several regiment banners as per the community’s requests.
===Gameplay Additions (6)===
* Adjusted melee camera pitch based on player feedback.
* Tackled an issue concerning players commenting experiencing a slight delay when firing.
* Shortened and made quicker bullet pass-by trails from firearms by enemies based on player feedback.
* Performed changes to tackle an issue with FOL being stricter than the Elf Auto Admin mod iteration if you don’t define any of the new built-in commands in the server configuration file.
* Adjusted the time it takes for auto-aim to lock off after firing to improve robustness.
* Admin reason defaults to no text in the dialogue box rather than ‘None’.
===Optimisations (1)===
* Tackled issues concerning instances of memory not getting released in between map loads.
===Bug Fixes (29)===
* Experimental fix towards an issue where the player’s screen turns black due to upscaling technologies.
===Quality of Life===
* Experimental fix towards an issue which caused drawn tracers through console commands to be mismatched.
* Administrators are now once again able to view a player’s Steam ID in the playerlogin.txt file.
* Solved an issue which allowed Sapper defences to be built inside one another.
* Administrators are now once more able to view a player’s Steam ID when issuing the rc playerlist command.
* Solved an exploit which allowed the Flag Bearer to sit while having a flag equipped.
* The ''rc playerlist <playerID>'' output now gets automatically copied to the clipboard.
* Solved an issue which prevented individuals from spectating other players through the ‘P’.
* Carpenters now spawn with the Blunderbuss by default.
* Solved an issue where the main menu appeared broken if you disconnected at the exact same moment the map was rotating.
* Reopening a class category in the Barracks now keeps your last class selected.
* Solved an issue where the map rotation admin chat entries didn’t show the correct rotation index.
* The ‘P’ menu will stop automatically sorting players if the panel viewing admin commands or volume sliders is expanded.
* Experimental fix towards an issue causing the game not to launch on Steam Deck.
* Introduced a new advanced setting category in the game’s video settings. This is now complemented with a warning advising players that adjusting these specific settings may cause game instability.
* Solved an issue where the mouse and keyboard weren’t working when the Steam Deck was connected to the dock.
* The game chat now fades out when another player types a message in chat improving readability.
* Solved an issue where sometimes inputs were not being recognized on the Steam Deck.
* Players in free roam are now able to continue using the camera when the match comes to an end.
* Solved an issue where firearm tracers wouldn’t show when spectating other players.
* The administrator heal function accessible from the P menu now shows the player’s current health and maximum health.  
* Removed multiple unnecessary logs from the game client.
* The default value of the administrator heal function accessible from the P menu will now automatically represent the value needed to fully heal the player.
* Experimental fix towards an instance which caused players to get stuck on map load.
:» Note that you’re still able to heal players above 100.
* Solved an issue which caused the server-disconnect message to no longer show.
* Solved an issue where you’d be unable to navigate if a faction becomes full while playing with a controller.
* Solved an issue with rocket launchers not being destructible when deployed.
* Performed optimisations in some cases causing increased map loading times.
* Solved multiple server-side exceptions.
* Optimised the existing main menu scene to improve game launch times.
* Solved multiple exceptions on the client which occurred infrequently.
* Introduced an experimental lite version of the new main menu featuring faster load times for lower-end machines.
* Solved an issue where the chat box would close when you respawn.
:» Use the ''-hddmode'' game launch parameter to access. The setting will be made available in-game once it passes stability testing.
* Solved an issue where the reason for a banned individual wouldn’t show when the player gets disconnected.
Steam Deck automatically defaults to this menu.
* Solved an issue where carriable ladders remained highlighted after being placed.
* Increase the default Texture Streaming Budget to 3 Gigs.
* Solved an issue with the delayed all charge not firing until round_spawn_close_timer_seconds has passed.
* Experimental fix towards an issue with the Sapper prop states desynching.
* Solved an issue with the equipment spawn tab not correctly resetting between map loads.
* Redesigned interaction icons that show on artillery pieces, carriable flags and other interactables.
* Solved an issue with the Dark-Night weather preset using the Clear-Night skybox.
* Redesigned the horse kill icon indicator.
* Solved an issue where sometimes radials would overlay one another if buttons were pressed in quick succession.
* Redesigned the line officer indicator icons.
* Solved an issue where cancelling the password prompt using a controller loses navigation.
* Solved an issue where pressing the ‘Select’ key when the disconnect reason is showing will make you connect to a server instead.
===Bug Fixes===
* Solved an issue with the firearm trails not looking as intended on lower-quality settings.
* Solved an issue which caused the server to hang during gameplay.
* Solved an issue which caused players to get stuck when spawning.
* Solved multiple code exceptions.
* Solved a bug which was causing explosive barrels to feature excessive knockback range.
* Solved an issue with moveable field guns on modded maps not recoiling.
* Solved an issue that prevented admins present in the whitelist from joining a full server. This still features a limit of 5.
* Solved an issue with the wind minimap indicator not always updating correctly.
* Solved an issue where VoIP wasn’t audible in free roam and spectate unless the player spawns.
* Solved multiple issues with the local player score bar on the end-of-match panel.
* Solved an issue with the daily bonus XP modifier.
* Solved an issue when high-latency players attempted to interact with a cannon.
* Solved an issue where the chosen primary weapon selection for the Carpenter class wouldn’t save.
* Solved an issue with weapon class overrides not working as intended when the Sergeant class is involved.
* Solved an issue with spawn section class overrides when joining a server while a new map was loading.
* Solved an error that was being outputted when the Mods Download button was pressed before the mod list became populated.
* Solved an issue when hovering over the leaderboard buttons.
* Solved an issue with the icon header in the Regiment Rank Editor displaying incorrectly.
* Solved an edge case with the spawn menu UI showing while playing on high latency.
* Solved a bug that showed a message to accept the next regiment enlistee after denying an enlistment.
* Experimental fix for an exception that occurred on modded servers when trying to spectate before spawning in.
* Solved a bug which prevented the header for the server intro message from showing.
* Solved an issue with the spawn menu camp being invisible if you stop spectating an individual before spawning for the first time.
* Solved an issue with interaction icon indicators being visibly inconsistent.

Latest revision as of 13:11, 26 June 2024


Features & Improvements (7)

  • Holdfast now features full controller support thanks to the addition of an on-screen keyboard.
  • You can now control ship sails when using a controller.
  • Introduced a free-roam sensitivity setting for controllers.
  • You can now set the controller’s dead zone to a minimum of 0.05.
  • You can now have different ‘Melee Direction Input Type’ settings between controller and keyboard.
  • Introduced a setting allowing individuals to specifically define the control’s input they want to use disabling auto-detection. Search for ‘Input To Use’ under the game’s settings.
  • You can now adjust the game’s UI scale. Search for ‘In-Game UI Scale’ and ‘Menu UI Scale’.

Gameplay Additions (6)

  • Adjusted melee camera pitch based on player feedback.
  • Tackled an issue concerning players commenting experiencing a slight delay when firing.
  • Shortened and made quicker bullet pass-by trails from firearms by enemies based on player feedback.
  • Performed changes to tackle an issue with FOL being stricter than the Elf Auto Admin mod iteration if you don’t define any of the new built-in commands in the server configuration file.
  • Adjusted the time it takes for auto-aim to lock off after firing to improve robustness.
  • Admin reason defaults to no text in the dialogue box rather than ‘None’.

Optimisations (1)

  • Tackled issues concerning instances of memory not getting released in between map loads.

Bug Fixes (29)

  • Experimental fix towards an issue where the player’s screen turns black due to upscaling technologies.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue which caused drawn tracers through console commands to be mismatched.
  • Solved an issue which allowed Sapper defences to be built inside one another.
  • Solved an exploit which allowed the Flag Bearer to sit while having a flag equipped.
  • Solved an issue which prevented individuals from spectating other players through the ‘P’.
  • Solved an issue where the main menu appeared broken if you disconnected at the exact same moment the map was rotating.
  • Solved an issue where the map rotation admin chat entries didn’t show the correct rotation index.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue causing the game not to launch on Steam Deck.
  • Solved an issue where the mouse and keyboard weren’t working when the Steam Deck was connected to the dock.
  • Solved an issue where sometimes inputs were not being recognized on the Steam Deck.
  • Solved an issue where firearm tracers wouldn’t show when spectating other players.
  • Removed multiple unnecessary logs from the game client.
  • Experimental fix towards an instance which caused players to get stuck on map load.
  • Solved an issue which caused the server-disconnect message to no longer show.
  • Solved an issue where you’d be unable to navigate if a faction becomes full while playing with a controller.
  • Solved an issue with rocket launchers not being destructible when deployed.
  • Solved multiple server-side exceptions.
  • Solved multiple exceptions on the client which occurred infrequently.
  • Solved an issue where the chat box would close when you respawn.
  • Solved an issue where the reason for a banned individual wouldn’t show when the player gets disconnected.
  • Solved an issue where carriable ladders remained highlighted after being placed.
  • Solved an issue with the delayed all charge not firing until round_spawn_close_timer_seconds has passed.
  • Experimental fix towards an issue with the Sapper prop states desynching.
  • Solved an issue with the equipment spawn tab not correctly resetting between map loads.
  • Solved an issue with the Dark-Night weather preset using the Clear-Night skybox.
  • Solved an issue where sometimes radials would overlay one another if buttons were pressed in quick succession.
  • Solved an issue where cancelling the password prompt using a controller loses navigation.
  • Solved an issue where pressing the ‘Select’ key when the disconnect reason is showing will make you connect to a server instead.
  • Solved an issue with the firearm trails not looking as intended on lower-quality settings.